Friday, January 23, 2009

Sound machine?

The people keep talking.
The people keep commenting.
The people keep looking.

You try your hardest to be nice to everyone.
to respect them as much as you want them to do on you.
to be amiable and spread a gracious smile on everyone.
but then...
people say you are hypocrite.

You help friends who are trully in hard times.
you want to delight them.
you want to hear their lingering laughs again.
but then...
people say you are desperately need attention.

*after a while, you are no angel.

You do not care anymore what the heck people is doing around you.
you simply neglect others' businesses.
you being blissfully ignorant, acting like you never care about them.
but then...
people accuse you of being a hostile, selfish little creature.

You enjoy every tiny bits of your life.
go out with your adorable friends.
have some fun and be totally steeped in it.
and again...
people label you as an over sociable idiot.

Now do you think you should give a toss on what others say?

"If Wright brothers listen to what people said to them, do you think we can ride on a flight by now?"


Nadon said...

Yep.You can't always listen to what others say.
It's best to just stay true to yourself.. hihi.

fairuz said...


sometimes it is not that easy right..

even as we pretend we are fine with those sayings, but still it can hurt us at certain times..

by the way, that's life ya?

.::annemishi::. said...

eh.. almost same with my post. =D we are meant together.. this is fate.. acece.. =P

fairuz said...


that is why, when i saw yours, i was like, "hey, who was copying who??"

then only i realise, we are meant to be together..

*neh, MEANT TO BE TOGETHER, isnt that what people who want to get married say to each other??

i think we cannot use that neh, change next time..


.::annemishi::. said...

aisyh~~~ i dont care... we still meant for each other... aceeh~~ =P

fairuz said...


i know you never care..

cause you always like that..

okay,i also dont care..